Viridor wins Industrial Cadet Partnership of the Year award

Viridor were recently short listed for an Industrial Cadet Partnership of the Year Award at the Engineering Development Trust’s (EDT) Scottish National Finals and are delighted to have won the 2023 Partnership Award for Scotland. The win was announced at the national event hosted at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh on Thursday 22nd June 2023.

The award is for Viridor’s partnership with EDT on the Bronze Industrial Cadets STEM education programme with secondary schools across central Scotland, which is delivered as part of our Community Benefits offering. This is a great achievement for Viridor’s Scottish Community Benefits Team and is representative of the work we do in our Clyde Valley, Glasgow and South Lanarkshire hubs.

Ciara Duffy, Scotland Director of EDT said; ‘EDT has had a long-standing partnership with Viridor for over 10 years, working on various STEM initiatives for students in the Central Belt. We are therefore delighted to acknowledge this commitment to young people and the communities of Glasgow, South Lanarkshire and Clyde Valley through the Industrial Cadets Partnership of the Year Award 2022/23. This year Viridor has supported 240 young people from 33 secondary schools through our 12 week Bronze Project, 3 of these school teams then made it through to the National Final and one of the teams, Woodfarm High School, won the Pupil Choice Award. Last year Industrial Cadets reached the 100,000 cadet milestone in the UK and we have set the ambitious target to reach 250,000 by 2024. As a non-for-profit charity, our aim is to increase interest in STE(A)M careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) through our engaging and dynamic programmes that replicate experiences found in the workplace. All of this is only possible through the continued support from companies such as Viridor.

Steven Don, Head of Scottish Contracts from Viridor said “Viridor are delighted to continue our support and sponsorship to work together with EDT in producing the Industrial Cadets Bronze Project. Viridor aim to encourage and 'switch on minds' by inspiring young people into STEM education, and programmes like Industrial Cadets Bronze Project opens doors into STEM though participation in sustainability projects. We want to say a huge thank you for our partnership award at last week’s National Final event. It is much appreciated to have the recognition and we’re delighted that the partnership is mutually valued in such a positive way”.